We are off to a great start for second semester! Lower School assembled last week and celebrated our learning journey of first semester. I strongly encourage you to look at learning, growth, and progress realistically for young children. While we have high expectations for academics at Trinity, we also want to instill self esteem by recognizing progress in areas that aren't tracked by a numerical grade. In the long run, it will be a combination of academics, goal setting, decision making, and spiritual maturity that equips a student to truly be ready to do what God calls them to do in this world. What a great honor it is to be a part of this preparation here at TPS! During our Semester Celebration last Thursday, we had the pleasure of hearing our SGA President, Taylor Tylicki share with our lower school students. Taylor is getting ready to graduate in May and begin her college career. What a blessing it was to hear her share words of encouragement for Second Semester.
I want to thank you once again for working with our teachers and administration to keep communication open here at Trinity. It is so evident that we have a school under girded by prayer and commitment of dedicated parents and professionals working together as a learning community. Thank you for being a very important part of this community!
We are thrilled to have several new families join us at mid-term. I know you have and will continue to reach out to them and be sure they are welcomed! Thank you once again for a great first semester and your continued support during second semester.
Upcoming Events:
*Incoming Kindergarten Open House Thursday, January 13th
*School Holiday, Monday, January 17th (no school that day)
*Kindergarten's 100th Day of School Celebration, January 25th
*Second Grade's Grandparent's Day Celebration, January 28th
**Note: you will find a learning website, Kids Know It, added to the Quick Links section of this blog. You may also click here to investigate!