Sunday, November 6, 2011

Have You Ever Heard of a Pirtle, a Skunkey Doodle, or a Flutterfly?

Have you ever heard of a Pirtle, a Skunkey Doodle, a Flutterfly, a Mird, a Draculent, or a Queen Bumble Pig? Well, the Fourth Graders at Trinity have! After completing a chapter in Science on Adaptations, the students participated in a pumpkin project, which involved creating an animal (that doesn't exist) using a pumpkin for part of its body. In class, the students drew their pumpkin animal on paper and began to think about what their animal would look like and what it would be called (scientific name). They also had to determine the animal's body part and behavior adaptations (such as migrating, hibernating), the animal's environment, the animal's predator and prey, the diet of the animal, as well as it's instincts and learned behavior. Time was spent in the Mac Lab typing each of these parts that would later be arranged on a poster that each child turned in detailing the adaptations of their animal. Much thought and planning went into this entire assignment. Each student introduced their animals in class this week. They are all on display in the Lower School hallway if you would like to visit the pumpkin zoo!

To see a slideshow of the pumpkin zoo, click here: