Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Easter" People!

I was reminded by the pastor today to live like I am an "Easter" person---to live with the excitement of the Resurrection in my daily life! What a great reminder! I pray you enjoyed a blessed Easter weekend.

I want to thank Mrs. Ahna and our third grade students and teachers for blessing us with a wonderful chapel last week! As one teacher said, "the chapel led us right into Easter worship!"

I would also like to thank our first grade choir, Ahna's Angels, and our first grade teachers for traveling to Mulder Church last Thursday to perform their final concert for this year! We appreciate all of the many parents, grandparents, and friends that traveled to hear this choir. Mrs. Ahna and the Angels did a great job of blessing all those in attendance!

Serving Others in our Community!

Teaching students to have a heart for others through service is an integral part of our Christian Education at Trinity. Our fifth graders participated recently in a service project and I wanted to share a few pictures from that time of service! We will be moving our fifth graders up to Middle School during a special "moving up" ceremony on Mon., May 16th, at 9:15 a.m.