I wanted all parents in Lower School to know how seriously we take this world of social media and networking here at TPS. We have had great success this year having an area attorney, Liz Carter, speak to our faculty, parents, and upper school students. Liz has partnered with us to make age appropriate talks for 7th and 8th graders (as a group) and for 5th and 6th graders (as a group). Many of you have heard Liz Carter speak, however, if you have not or would like to return for either of these times on Tuesday, please feel free to attend--whether you have a 5th grader or not!
Assembly Schedule for Tuesday, April 12th:
Ms. Carter will be speaking to our students in two separate assemblies with grade-appropriate content. The assemblies will be held Tuesday, April 12, at the following times:
7th and 8th Grades
9:00 a.m.
Old Gym
5th and 6th Grades
1:30 p.m.
Old Gym
Parents are welcome to attend this event. Also, we encourage you to speak with your children about the topics covered when they get home from school Tuesday. As always, we are working hard to partner with you as you navigate the difficult waters we call parenting.
16th Annual Miniworks Show
This past Sunday, April 10, was the 16th Annual Miniworks Show held on the campus of Montgomery Academy. Trinity's upper elementary students had almost 50 entries in the show and had 13 state winners! Congratulations to our students as well as a "thank you" to our LS art teacher, Becky Lee, for her efforts in this show and in the art classroom daily! Mrs. Lee does a wonderful job championing art education and creativity at Trinity!
Standardized Testing Last Week
Thank you for all of your support during last week's standardized testing. A thank you goes to our LS guidance counselor, Suzanne Satcher, for organizing and overseeing such a smooth week of testing for our students and teachers.
Upcoming Events:
*Monday, April 11: Midterm Reports Go Home
*Tuesday, April 12: Breakfast and Books for AR Monthly Top Scorers (for March) 7:45 a.m. Science Lab
*Tuesday, April 12: Fifth Grade Assembly (see notes above) on Social Networking 1:30 Old Gym
*Wednesday, April 13: Upper School Choral Performance for the Lower School Students 8:15 WH
*Thursday April 21: Lower School Easter Chapel 8:15 WH This will be led by our third grade students! Feel free to come worship with us!
*Friday, April 22: Holiday-Good Friday